Martes, Abril 26, 2016

How Does a Body Donation Advance Science?

More people might consider donating a body to an educational or research organization if they understood more about the ways that their donation helps to advance science and medicine. cremation Albany People who are making final plans for themselves and their loved ones may not have even considered the idea of this kind of donation; but they might reconsider if they knew how necessary the study of cadavers is to research facilities and medical schools.

Ways That Donated Bodies Help Advance Medicine and Science
Almost everything that doctors know about their patients stems from the study of human bodies. Medical students use cadavers to learn the position of organs and how to perform certain procedures. Bodies are very complex machines, and they contain thousands of different working parts that are contained within dozens of different systems. This kind of education just can't get duplicated by using models or computer software. The study of donated bodies helps medical students learn how to keep their patients healthy and even could help them save lives.

affordable cremation albany

Besides using bodies as a way to teach students, they are also used to research diseases. Just a few diseases that are currently studied with cadavers include diabetes, cancer, and arthritis. Researchers need to understand how these diseases impact various organs and bones in order to develop effective therapies and cures. Advances in surgery, drug therapy, and many different kinds of medicine all come from the study of human bodies.

cremation Albany

Other Reasons to Consider Donating a Body to Science
Some other advantages of donating a body to a reputable organization may include getting a free cremation Albany, transporting a affordable cremation albany body, and returning cremated remains to the family. Everything gets handled in a very respectful way. These organizations provide counselors that will explain the entire process. In addition, the organization may even communicate the specific benefits of a loved one's remains when they return the cremated ashes.

People who have never considered donating their body to science might want to think again. This donation is like a final gift to the living. It can help train doctors, advance research, and even save families some money.

Special Reasons for Cremation in Albany

Cremation is becoming more popular in the United States because it is an environmentally friendly way to celebrate the life of those that passed. Cremation is more affordable than traditional cremation services albany burial arrangements. The cremains may become part of the land, but do not necessarily have a place reserved exclusively for the burial plot that needs maintenance and upkeep forever.

Public Health
For those who pass because of infectious illnesses, cremation is an elegant way to dispose of the body properly with much less risk of contamination to others. It is a sad fact that in parts of Africa where Ebola originated, the burial rituals include family members handling and preparing the body. Unfortunately, the disease spreads this way, making it possible to lose an entire family to the dreaded disease with a single person gets sick.

Plenty of Options
Because of the economics and the sanitation issues, cremation in Albany makes perfect logical sense, when compared to other forms of burial. The possibility of having an “open casket” cremation Albany memorial is no longer an option. Nevertheless, a memorial ceremony is still possible. With cremation, having a burial plot in a cemetery is not necessary. However, burying or storing the cremains in a cemetery is still possible.

Advanced Planning
When cremation is the preferred burial method, arranging a memorial is easier. After the cremation, the cremains are stored in an attractive urn, until the time is right for the memorial ceremony.

Traditional burials and memorials sometimes seem a bit rushed due to the logistics of handling the full body. Sometimes family members are away and the ceremony happens so fast that they are not able to attend. Making funeral arrangements in such a hurried way also adds stress to a difficult situation. cremation services albany
With cremation, it is possible to take calmer approach to the memorial services, without having to do everything within a few short days.

Hospice Therapy
This therapy helps those who are ill, yet still alive, who already made it clear they would like cremation. This therapy is part of the hospice traditional to make the transition from life to death as gentle as possible. cremation Albany
For a cremation Albany, there are so many beautiful places nearby. Showing those, who are near death, photos of beautiful locations seems to comfort many people. It is empowering for many who are near death to think about the place(s) they would like some of their cremains to rest for all eternity.

The choice of cremation is a very personal one. There are many good reasons why people make this choice and why cremation is becoming more popular.

Miyerkules, Marso 23, 2016

Cremation Ceremony Etiquette: What Everybody Should Know

cremation AlbanyCremation is becoming an increasingly popular memorial option in Albany and other areas of the country. However, for those who have been invited to a memorial service for somebody who has been or will be cremated, there can sometimes be some confusion in terms of what to expect. The same goes for family members who may be trying to plan the memorial service itself. By being aware of some basic cremation etiquette, everybody can do their part to make sure the cremation Albany service is as beautiful as possible.
The Difference in Terminology
First of all, it's important for guests to understand the differences in terminology when they're invited to a cremation memorial. Generally, when the cremation has already been completed, it will be referred to as a cremation memorial rather than a burial. In some cases, however, the term "burial" may be used, such as when the family has chosen to bury the remains as would be done with a traditional funeral and burial.
Alternatives to a Viewing

cremation Albany
With a cremation, there is typically no viewing as part of the memorial service. Instead, what most families will do is set up a slideshow of photos set to music. This is often the preferred method because it allows loved ones to see the deceased person as he or she was while alive. This can be a much more enjoyable and uplifting experience for everybody in attendance.
Deciding on a Memorial Service
cremation AlbanyFor family members looking to plan a cremation memorial, there's a lot to consider and there are plenty of options that can be chosen from to reflect a loved one's unique personality. For some, a traditional burial of the ashes may seem fitting. However, for some, it may seem like a better idea to spread the ashes at a meaningful location.
If Choosing to Spread Ashes
Finally, for family members who are thinking about spreading a loved one's ashes following cremation, it's important to understand that there are laws in place when it comes to doing this on private and public properties. Therefore, it's a good idea to check and see if spreading of ashes is allowed before attempting to do it anywhere other than one's own property.
cremation Albany
These basic etiquette reminders can help to ensure a memorial cremation service for family members, guests, and other loved ones in attendance alike.

Questions to Ask Oneself When Planning a Cremation Funeral for a Loved One

cremation AlbanyWhen a loved one passes away and has written in their final wishes that they want to be cremated, it's typically left up to the family members to carry out those final wishes. For those who are unfamiliar with the cremation Albany process, however, this can be an overwhelming task. Fortunately, there are some questions to ask oneself during the planning stages that can help make sure things go as smoothly as possible.
How Should the Remains Be Handled?
One of the first questions that will likely be asked by the funeral director is how the remains will be handled. For example, will they all be passed onto one family member, or will they be separated and given to several different family members? This is an important decision and one that should generally be talked through with close family and loved ones.
What Type of Memorial Service is Best?
cremation AlbanyThe options for holding a cremation memorial service are essentially endless, so taking the time to consider one's options before the cremation is important. For a more traditional approach, the remains may be buried as in a regular funeral. On the other hand, some people prefer to hold an ash-scattering ceremony, and others still may prefer to keep the ashes and hold a private memorial service.
Will the Cremation Be Witnessed?
One of the most difficult decisions a family member may have to make when it comes to cremation is that of whether or not they will attend and witness the cremation. These days, many cremation facilities are accommodating and will allow one or more loved ones to witness the cremation itself. However, it's also perfectly understandable for those who would rather not witness it in person.
cremation Albany
How Will the Cremation Be Paid For?
It's not something that anybody wants to think about, but figuring out how the cremation service will be paid for is an important part of the planning process. Will an insurance policy cover some or all of the cost? If not, then is it possible for family members to chip in to cover the expense? Many cremation facilities are also willing to work with families who may be on a limited budget.
cremation Albany
Planning a cremation funeral for a loved one can be a trying experience, but with the right support, the memorial can be quite beautiful.

Linggo, Pebrero 28, 2016

Minimizing Conflict When Planning a Later Memorial

cremation AlbanyPlanning a memorial is such an opportunity, but it can also become a stressful experience. People often decide to hold a memorial during a more opportune time, when more family members can attend. They may choose a spring or summer date to avoid having to host the service in the cold of winter, for example. By establishing plans in advance, making reasonable accommodations for family and providing for clear communication, memorial hosts reduce arguments and stress during the memorial. Planning Ahead One of the biggest problems families face when they decide not to hold a memorial shortly after a person’s death is a decision about the timing.

cremation AlbanyThis can be a unique obstacle with memorials in general, because unlike a traditional burial, there is no pressure to have the memorial right away. However, plans should be put in place as soon as possible so that family members can make arrangement to attend. This minimizes the likelihood of confusion about the timing and frustration about the overall plans. Reasonable Accommodations Many families like to plan a destination memorial, but this poses a lot of the same problems to family members as a destination wedding might. It is extremely important for family and friends’ emotional well-being for them to have the opportunity to grieve with their loved ones and get a chance to say goodbye. If the person planning the memorial selects a location that is difficult to get to, or is hundreds of miles away, it is also prudent to offer a smaller memorial ceremony in a location close to the place where most family members live. That way, the ashes may be scattered in a great location, but everyone gets a chance to take a part in the final sendoff.

cremation AlbanyCommunicating Openly As with all parts of planning a funeral or memorial service, it is vital for hosts to communicate their expectations and preferences to family members as soon as possible. If a person decides to have their ashes scattered on a distant island with a huge party on the beach, family members should be notified when death is imminent so that they can start to prepare. Communication minimizes the likelihood of conflict on the day of the actual memorial and what their final wishes were, such as a cremation Albany, as opposed to a burial. No one wants a stressful memorial, so people often schedule the ceremony for a later date for their convenience. To avoid disagreements and frustration, it is crucial to make plans clear to family members, and accommodate people’s needs.

Green Cremation: Options and Considerations

cremation AlbanyThese days, many people focus on the environmental impact that their death and final rest will make. They want to reduce their carbon footprint, and this goal extends past their final days. With these options, cremation Albany can be a green choice, as well as a cost-effective decision. Can Cremation be Green? Many people worry that the consumption of fossil fuels that is needed to convert a body to ashes makes cremation an environmentally unfriendly choice for handling a person’s earthly remains. However, this is not necessarily true. The Green Burial Council notes that cremation does involve burning a lot of fossil fuels and possibly leaking some contaminants into the atmosphere. However, more recent crematoria are generally more energy efficient. Equipment coming to the market soon will decrease the likelihood that heavy metals (such as mercury from dental amalgam fillings) are sent into the atmosphere.

cremation AlbanyPreparing the Body There are many ways to prepare the body that are better for the environment. People do not have to have their bodies embalmed before cremation, or they can request natural embalming solutions for their bodies. This is a viable choice for people to make whether they plan to be cremated or buried traditionally. Biodegradable Burial The ultimate goal is avoid the most severe of environmental impacts, and the method of disposition for of ashes makes a significant difference. Many urns are placed in a columbarium or in urn vaults with a headstone in a traditional cemetery.

cremation AlbanyWhile the concrete is technically natural, the energy used to produce it makes it a choice that is less environmentally friendly, according to the GBC. Instead, people might opt for a biodegradable burial approach, by either scattering the ashes or burying them in a biodegradable urn. There are hundreds of options for either, so that families can find a burial method that suits them and their loved ones ideally. Some people think that cremation cannot possibly be green, but there are ways to make it better for the environment. By researching and making a more educated decision, people can have the flexibility that cremation provides them without causing negative effects to the environment.

Biyernes, Enero 22, 2016

How to Honor a Loved One after Their Passing

cremation Albany
Although death is a natural part of life, people often find it difficult to accept the loss of someone they loved. Finding ways to honor their loved one’s passing can help family and friends cope with their grief while commemorating the legacy they left behind. Here are a few ideas that can help people get started.

Organize an Event in a Loved One’s Honor cremation Albany
Family and friends can organize a special event or activity in memory of a loved one who has passed on. If the deceased loved children, remaining family could hold a drive to collect funds, toys, clothes or school supplies for underprivileged children in their loved one’s honor. This act of kindness will remind them and their local community of the compassion their loved one had for kids of all ages. Organizing an event that reflects their loved one’s interests is a good way of commemorating their life.

cremation AlbanyName a Child after a Deceased Loved One
Naming a child after a loved one who has died is another way of honoring their passing. Children’s names are important and special. People who opt to name a child after a deceased loved one demonstrate their love and affection for the one who passed on. It also gives their child a connection with someone special and ensures their loved one’s memory is carried on into the future.   

Dedicate Something in Their Honor
Many people dedicate something in the decease’s honor such as a scholarship, the planting of trees in a barren area or monetary gift to a needy cause. Christmas is a good time to remember a loved one by making a special donation to help the poor in their name. Remaining family may also choose to donate some of their loved one’s belongings to charitable organizations on their behalf that these items may be put to good use.

cremation AlbanyMemorialize Their Loved in Unique Ways
Whether families have a burial service for their loved one or opt for cremation Albany, they can hold special memorial services to commemorate their loved one’s life. A loved one’s ashes can be turned into fireworks and set off on their birthday in their memory. A song can be composed in their honor and sung at their service. Personalizing a memorial service to reflect a loved one’s character and personality helps people remember him or her in a special light.

Handling Ashes After Cremation

cremation Albany
In the US, the percentage of people opting for cremation is on the increase. There are many reasons for this sudden surge, but often it’s so the remains can be kept at home or scattered across a favorite site. However, even that is all changing now, as people request unique ways to handle their ashes after they’re gone. Here are ideas of what can be done with ashes after cremation Albany.

cremation AlbanyBurying the Ashes
One traditional resting place for the ashes is to bury them. By ordering a small plot in the cemetery that will hold the urn and ashes, the cost is less. With this option, the family and friends can organize a funeral service and attend the burial. The burial could also take place at the home of one of the survivors. In either case, the burial site can be marked with a special stone or symbol and visited at any time.

cremation Albany

Keeping the Urn at Home
With the ashes in an urn, they could be kept at home inside the house. Most people would choose a beautiful urn for this purpose, so it could be kept in a prominent spot. Here, the urn is not being buried so it should be very special, to memorialize the family member in an elegant way. In the case of a large family, the urn could be shared with others by passing it from one home to the next. Another option is for each family member to have a separate urn and divide the ashes equally. In some families, they may want to include the urn in special events.

cremation AlbanyScattering the Ashes
One popular reason for cremation in Albany is so the ashes of the deceased can be scattered outdoors. So long as they’re not being scattered on someone’s private property, there is no limit to where they can go. Whether on land or at sea, they can find a final resting place. However, according to US maritime requirements, they must be taken at least 3 miles from shore if scattering at sea.

Unique Options
Others are taking a more unique route in deciding what to do with ashes. Those ideas involve using them in jewelry pieces, mixing them into the gunpowder of fireworks or mixing the remains with concrete to build a monument. The sky is the limit when it comes to cremation in Albany.